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Domestic Violence Overview

Can A Domestic Violence Action Be Filed Before Or During A Divorce Action?

Domestic violence actions may be filed in the Orange County family law court and may impact other parts of a case, including child custody, child support, spousal support and attorney fees. Domestic violence does not necessarily involve harm through physical means. There is a lower threshold for a finding of domestic violence in family courts than in criminal courts.

What Is Domestic Violence In The Context Of Family Law?

In family law, domestic violence is abuse or threats of abuse between persons who have been in an intimate relationship or people who are related by blood. The abuse can be physical, emotional and/or psychological. The abuse can be of a sexual nature and can be a result of hurting someone or trying to hurt someone whether intentionally or recklessly. It can take many forms, including controlling freedom of access, throwing items, kicking, hitting, shoving or pulling hair. Family law courts may issue orders restraining this and other types of conduct.

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Domestic Violence

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